Fugitive Warrants squad arrests a man previously convicted of rape, now charged with two counts of lewd molestation


Tulsa’s Fugitive Warrants squad arrests a man previously convicted of rape, now charged with two counts of lewd molestation.

The probable cause affidavit for 52 year old Julius Young says a 7 year old girl disclosed to her mother, that a family friend had been molesting her and he’d told the girl not to tell or he’d kill her mother.

It says the girl said Young’s girlfriend walked in once and saw it, but, simply walked out of the room and did nothing.

It says once the girl told her mother, her mother believed her and filed a police report right away.

It says another girl came forward and said Young had molested her when she was 9 to 11 years old.

That girl says she told Young’s girlfriend about it, but, the woman did not believe the girl or report it.

Police say on the way to the jail today, Young tried to jump out of the police car, while handcuffed on the BA Expressway, so he was also booked for attempted escape.

Records show Young has the following convictions:
May 2010: drug, DUI and eluding; 4 years in prison

January 2004: delivering drugs; 8 years in prison
April 2001: drugs in Washington County; 10 years suspended

January 1996; 2nd degree rape; 5 years in prison