A 15-year-old Florida boy has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the beating and rape of a 91-year-old woman.
Jesse Stone will also receive 30 years of sex offender probation and must register as a sex offender and enroll in anger management classes.
The incident occurred in the small town of Reddick in Marion County. Deputies said Stone knew his victim as he mowed the lawn for her.
On the night of the attack, he entered her house through an unlocked door, went to her bedroom, put a pillow over her face, and beat her head with his fist as she fought back.
Stone’s grandmother told the judge that his mother left him when he was only five years old.
She said that during most of the years she took care of him, Jesse was good, but she saw anger starting to bubble up inside him.
“His actions are egregious,” said Stone’s attorney, who asked the judge to show mercy, citing Jesse’s troubled life and young age.
Stone’s grandmother also revealed that he had been watching pornography, including content involving elderly adults, just before the attack. State prosecutors confirmed this information.
Video obtained by WESH 2 News shows what deputies said: Stone running away just minutes after the 91-year-old woman was raped.
His grandmother ultimately urged him to fess up to the crime. He was 14 at the time of the crime.