July 12, 2021- 6:00 p.m.
Ali Shultz, Legal Director for America’s Frontline Doctors FINALLY announces that the organization has OFFICIALLY FILED A LAWSUIT that names Anthony (‘The Fraud’) Fauci and others who are COMPLICIT in the FORCED VACCINATION of Americans and OTHER crimes against Humanity! The lawsuit also focuses on the FORCED INNOCULATION of CHILDREN, who are all but IMMUNE to COVID-19 – a FACT that has been PROVEN beyond any doubt!
6 pilots died within days of being jabbed in the UK last week. I Heard the numbers are actually more closely in the 80+ range as far as how many pilots died recently due to Jab complications. I am actually surprised that they don’t allow the planes to go down since they are so enthusiastic about mass genocide. I can’t fathom that people cannot see what is happening