FDA Unanimously Approve Covid Vaccine for 0-4 Years
Unfathomable decision given the trial data
“The FDA met on 15th June and despite all the evidence of non-efficacy from the infant Pfizer vaccine and the still total lack of data on long-term harms, they voted to go ahead.Â
If the last eighteen months are anything to go by, the MHRA will follow soon, followed after a respectable few weeks by the JCVI.
Indeed, vaccination for this age-group is already listed for JCVI discussion. Before the UK regulators make any decision, they would do well to read a detailed letter to the FDA from Robert F Kennedy.
It was depressing that in the FDA open meeting, none of the members pointed out that 2 months follow-up is totally inadequate for assessing safety, nor questioned the use of an antibody level as a measure of success.

Moderna was also authorised for children at the same meeting, despite several countries having dropped it for all under 30s…”