Dr. Steven Greer’s recent podcast episode has sparked intense interest in the UFO community. The renowned ufologist announced the emergence of a new whistleblower, Jake Barber, who claims to have been involved in the recovery of non-human technology. Barber, set to appear in a full interview on News Nation, is reportedly one of Greer’s contacts with firsthand experience in classified operations.
Greer’s podcast delves into the evolving landscape of UFO disclosure, hinting at a vast trove of evidence yet to be revealed. He suggests that Barber’s testimony is part of a broader strategy to gauge public reaction and navigate potential pushback from government entities. As this story unfolds, it promises to shed new light on long-standing questions about extraterrestrial visitations and secret government programs.
Dr Greer said: ‘With the new president, I’ve been working with a number of people close to him, encouraging a number of executive orders to launch this sort of investigation, provide whistleblower blower protection, and action.’
He is a retired emergency physician who began working in the 1990s to persuade whistleblowers in the military, government and corporations to come forward.
Dr Greer said: ‘The ones I’m working with are waiting to see what the new administration does, what the new Congress does, the way to see if there’s lethal or legal push back from these covert operations.
The ‘covert operations’ Dr Greer refers to are secret groups within the Government which he believes work to prevent the release of information relating to alien technology.
Dr Greer published a video in December, pledging to provide UFO disclosure ‘in early January,’ which has long passed.
He spoke to NewsNation in December, claiming the mysterious drone sightings were a cover-up to hide the sightings were part of an alien invasion.
Dr Greer said: ‘There will be a lot coming forward, but they’re doing it in a measured way, and what they’re really looking for is either negative pushback from covert interest and corporate or positive support from Congress and in this and from the Pentagon and the intelligence community.’
‘We are at an inflection point in my 35 years doing this, there’s going to be some significant disclosures, and we hope halfway for amnesty for the whistleblowers.
Greer said that whistleblowers have been involved in not only retrieving alien technology from crash sites, but also testing what he describes as ‘man made UFOs’, made using alien technology by defense contractors hired by the US government.
However, the Pentagon has, on the record, ‘denied the existence’ of any top secret UFO crash retrieval programs.
Dr Greer wants to persuade the Trump administration to launch an investigation and provide whistleblower protection, ‘but also to do a proper law enforcement investigation’.
He said that he believes that technology, including new energy sources, has been developed from alien craft, and is being kept secret to maintain the military-industrial complex’s control over energy supplies.