10/22/2021- 1:47 p.m.
Ohio -Dowds Elementary School is under lockdown following an armed bank robbery in the area, police Chief Lance Combs said.
“We had an armed bank robbery, I believe, at First Federal Bank,” Combs said by phone. “As near as we can tell, the suspect fled into the woods close to Dowds.”
Combs said the robbery happened at 12:40 p.m.
He described the suspect as a male wearing a white sweatshirt and a black covering over his face.
The chief said authorities are in the process of setting up a perimeter.
Shelby Superintendent Tim Tarvin posted a notice on the school district’s website.
“Your children are safe. The school and the police department are asking you not to come to the Dowds school property at this time,” he wrote.
“We will update this alert with information from the Shelby PD as soon as possible.
No other school buildings are under lockdown in the district.”