May 25, 2021- 8:00 p.m.
Double homicide suspect Victor Steban is facing new charges for allegedly trying to steal a vehicle as police were closing in on him during a massive manhunt; KDKA’s Ross Guidotti reports.
– Victor Steban is now facing more criminal counts. The 53-year-old is already accused of shooting and killing a Westmoreland County couple earlier this month. Ross Guidotti joins us live now with what police say Steban did to two men as he tried to elude police.
ROSS GUIDOTTI:Â Yeah, those are some new charges filed today against Steban. Pretty hard to forget the image of stabbing walking down Route 30 with a gun in his hand to his head. But what happened moments before that dramatic event is what has the man charged. He allegedly walked up to a pickup with two men in it and said “get out of the truck.” The two men inside said “that’s not going to happen.”
On the run after he allegedly shot a Penn Township couple at their home. Police say Victor Steban allegedly approached two men sitting in a truck at the intersections of North Thompson Lane and Route 30. With an army of police officers closing in on his location, investigators say the 53-year-old was desperate for transportation.
THOMAS HARRIS: He walked up to the passenger side of the car and told the occupants to get out of the vehicle. When they asked him why, he again told them to get out of the vehicle. They told him no. And he looked at them and then took off running across the highway. That’s when they realized he had gone in the side.
ROSS GUIDOTTI: Police caught up with Steban shortly afterwards. Investigators say Steban was impressed with how the passengers in the truck kept their head after the accused killer told them he wanted to take the wheel.
THOMAS HARRIS:Â These kids are lucky that this, nothing, he didn’t shoot them or I mean, take one of them hostage. Oh, yeah, he was shocked that– later on, he was shocked that they didn’t get out of the car and give him the vehicle.

ROSS GUIDOTTI: All right, Steban facing robbery as well as weapons charges. He’s right now in the Westmoreland County Jail, held without bond, already facing two homicide counts. New at 5:00, Steban faces the carjacking counts. But the weapons counts I mentioned, we’re going to tell you what police say they found in an area not far from where the man accused of double murder was captured. That’s all coming up at 5:00. Join us then. Reporting live, Ross Guidotti, KDKA News.