The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru’s.
The concept is one I bring up every so often, and refers to a test from the fictional Star Trek universe in which cadets are faced with a mission whose parameters present a seeming lose-lose situation.
It’s believed the true purpose of the test is to see how prospective leaders will handle a no-win situation; in other words, how they lead in the face of overwhelming obstacles.
Applying this framing to the current persuasion of the Shadow War allows Anons to see the development of a beautiful Bicameral, while the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind are faced with the mass psychological prospect of seeming armageddon in the face of, to put it exceedingly simply, extreme failures of leadership.
From Russia-Ukraine and the exploding powder keg in the Middle East to intermittent escalation in the Taiwan Straight, they’re not being faced with ONE Impossible Task … but with one a day.
All setting the stage for Trump’s return