12/27/2021- 12:25 p.m.
Bruin Drive in Chesapeake is really living up to its name.
A momma bear and three cubs were spotted hanging out in a tree on Monday morning in the 3200 block, down the street from Western Branch High (home of the Bruins).
WAVY viewer Kim Ivory sent in photos showing the bears high up in the tree, and said they’d been there since at least 3 a.m. Monday.
As of noon, police, Chesapeake Animal Services and personnel from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources were at the scene.
They asked residents to stay in their homes and for the public in general to stay away while they work to safely remove the bears.
“Black bears can be unpredictable, especially when sows (mothers) have cubs,” the city wrote online. “This is an extremely stressful situation for the bears, so it’s important to stay away from the area.
That includes driving past the site.”