Comments for RawNews1st We Break News Tue, 27 Jul 2021 17:56:15 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Jan 6 Committee Spewing Pure Partisan Propaganda: Watch by Zeph Tue, 27 Jul 2021 17:56:15 +0000 Bwahaa…another 6 th commission…this time with ALL Trump haters…Nanz is hoping THIS TIME somehow, she can implicate Trump to draw attention away from AZ AUDIT…as announcement draws near…how many commissions are legal??? The others implicated foul play by Government…Untill ALL video tapes are released Nanz cannot hold a legal commission on just PURE DEMONIC HATE for the best PRESIDENT USA ever had…President Trump…she has absolutely nothing on Pres Trump…until ALL LADT SUMMER of destruction…Kamaltoe committed seditious treason as a SENATOR ENCOURAGING RIOTS..and Waters seditious treason intimidation of SCOTUS in a trial IF outcome isn’t what SHE WANTED…Jan 6th WAS NOT a riot or an insurrection..those of us that watched the entire thing unfold on TV…SAW people being “invited” in by Capitol staff and “WE” saw THE ONLY WEAPON was the one a capital employee used to kill Ashli Babbitt…end of story…did those 2 CNN reporters posing as Trump supporters, spend the last 6 months in jail? I SAW THEM ON TV woohooing over “I CANT BELIEVE WE DID IT!” from inside the capital with the rest that were escorted in with invitation… Are THEY in jail? Hasn’t EVERYONE seen the videos? Well..Nanz can’t keep appointing commissions WITHOUT showing THE ENTIRE video footage of Jan 6th…UNTIL then NANZ is just wasting our tax dollars on her SHEER UTTER HATE FOR ANOTHER HUMAN…and that is our awesome President Trump!! GIVE IT UP NANZ!!!

Comment on Chicago: 7 Killed, 25 Wounded In Weekend Shootings by Zendo Deb Sun, 11 Jul 2021 17:22:34 +0000 Governor Lightfoot? You’re getting ahead of yourself

Comment on Mercy becomes the latest health care system to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations: St. Louis by JayJay Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:22:37 +0000 The cases are there because of the test threshold….not really there…flu?? cold??

Comment on Hunters Become Prey [HRC] Crimes Against Humanity! 175 Elite PEDO’s EXPOSED! A 2nd Laptop from Hell! by Mike Sun, 04 Jul 2021 21:08:54 +0000 Joe Biden is a Cock Sucker and Kamal Toes piss flaps stink like rotten salmon filets.

Comment on A Fargo 14 year-old was stabbed over 20 times, beat & strangled by a complete stranger when she was out skateboarding. by J.D. MAYA Thu, 10 Jun 2021 02:14:34 +0000 A FARGO RESIDENT COMMENTED ON JUNE.9.2021 ON JUPITER PAULSEN STABBED 120 TIMES
2 hours ago
This is in the city in which I work. Fargo is run by a shithead libtard,racist, BLM loving race baiting/pandering mayor. Fargo has gotten bad over the last couple of years and even worse last and this year. Have had many incidents, including BLM protests which turned into a riot one time, black people/Muslims beating the shit out of white people, black people shooting at cops and civilians alike, one or two of which I know people were either killed or seriously injured. More than I care to mention or too many to list. This shit right here is exactly why I legally conceal carry 99.9% of the time or always have a firearm in my vehicle. (I legally cannot carry at work unless I was one of the policemen/women working on site).

Comment on Bill and Melinda Gates sold their shares in Apple and Twitter before announcing their divorce according to the records by Pat Thu, 27 May 2021 00:00:53 +0000 Hmm something mighty fishy there. She is complicit in his schemes about ‘global health care? Now the divorce and settlement so India, Africa and US among others Im sure, won’t be able to collect monies in lawsuits? Not buying it.

Comment on German, French Ministers Back U.S. on 21% Minimum Corporate Tax Rate by Kay Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:16:35 +0000 Montana gained a seat. I’m happy

Comment on Arizona town declares ‘state of emergency’ over border crisis by Denise M. Fri, 26 Mar 2021 01:00:57 +0000 Stop obsessing over Trump. He left office over 2 months ago. Time to put the blame on this crisis where it belongs. BIDEN

Comment on 95-year-old Central California great-grandmother beats COVID-19 by Steve MacMillan Sat, 13 Mar 2021 04:55:33 +0000 So what did she do to become cured?
