July 29, 2022
Cody Dewayne Satksy White male 5-28-1981 5’11 200lbs Brown eyes Hair hardly exist Known to frequent the North Zulch area
This is Cody Dewayne Satsky, he is wanted by the Madison County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Parole Division and the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office for charges including a parole violation for aggravated robbery, evading, failing to identify fugitive from justice and drug possession.
Last night our deputies attempted to arrest Cody, until he spotted our deputies and fled on foot into the woods, where we lost track of him.
He now received an additional warrant for evading.
Found with him was Brigette Willtrout and Brittney Holliday.
Both were taken into custody and charged with Texas Penal Code 38.05. Hindering Apprehension or Prosecution (Felony 3) which states;
“(a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to hinder the arrest, prosecution, conviction, or punishment of another for an offense or, with intent to hinder the arrest, detention, adjudication, or with intent to hinder the arrest of another under the authority of a warrant or capias, he:
-(1) harbors or conceals the other;
-(2) provides or aids in providing the other with any means of avoiding arrest or effecting escape; or
-(3) warns the other of impending discovery or apprehension.
-(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the person who is harbored, concealed, provided with a means of avoiding arrest or effecting escape, or warned of discovery or apprehension is under arrest for, charged with, or convicted of a felony.”
IF YOU have information where Cody Dewayne Satsky is hiding, please call the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at 936-348-2755.
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