Aug 25, 2022
RawNews1st/ Tech – CNN Medical Analyst Who Wanted To Ban The Unvaccinated From Society And Force Children To Mask Now Reveals How Masking Has Severely Harmed Her Son.
Wen championed mask and vaccine mandates throughout the pandemic, insisted children be forced to take PCR tests weekly until they are fully vaccinated and called for the unvaccinated to be banned from participating in society.
Just months ago, Wen, the former Commissioner of the Baltimore City Health Department and former head of Planned Parenthood, urged the Biden administration to “further restrict the activities of the unvaccinated.”
“I wish that [Biden] would go further to restrict the activities of the unvaccinated because they are the ones who are still spreading COVID and prolonging the pandemic for all of us.” she said in a December.
While peddling lies on the network that airs wall-to-wall coverage of propaganda promoting the hazardous experimental gene-modifying injections, Wen called for unvaccinated Americans to be banned from participating in society with undergoing forced PCR tests twice a week.
“It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” Wen impugned last year. “Right now, it’s kind of the opposite.”
“It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” Wen impugned last year. “Right now, it’s kind of the opposite.”
“It will be important to say, ‘Hey, you can opt-out, but if you want to opt-out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get twice-weekly testing,’” she added.
Wen was also adamant that children returning to school be forced to wear industrial-grade face masks and required to take weekly PCR tests until they are fully vaccinated.
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