Pregnant woman attacks Spirit Airlines worker who told her she couldn’t board due to her aggressive behavior...
Mom and daughter go to school to fight another mom and daughter. © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Nodded off in the driveway with the foot on the accelerator © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Flight has to land because of a passenger who needs immediate medical attention. This lady freaks out...
Predator and a Racist calls predator catcher the n-word after catching him trying to meet a 15...
Two individuals get into a knife / fist fight in London. © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Security guard fights off 4 suspect after smash and grab ©CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Assistant principal tries to break up a fight only to get attacked herself. © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Billionaire Spits in Restaurant Managers Face for Asking Him to Stop Hitting on Woman Eating With Her...
UFO crash video making the rounds titled, “Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in Russia and it...