Ukraine’s rocket campaign reliant on U.S. precision targeting, officials say Ukrainian military almost never launch HIMARS rocket...
Shoplifter gets caught at Kroger and instead, resorts to trying to pick a fight with them.{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Drunk guy hand gets blown off by firework © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Johnathan Jermia Morris — 31, of McKeesport — is charged in Allegheny County with criminal homicide, aggravated...
Florida Man Armed With 2 Knives Shot By Volusia County Deputies Yesterday. © CopyRights RawNews1st{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Road Rage quickly goes left when dude goes to retrieve a weapon from the trunk of his...
Scorpion pedo hunters caught a Syrian immigrant meeting up with a 12yr old girl, bragging he wanted...
Tammy Mae Montoya, 48, wept during the remote hearing as members of her wife’s family described the...
Two gang members were arrested early Friday, one after a gunbattle, in the January massacre of six...
Michigan – Three of the students were blindfolded during the assaults, officials said, and the other girl...