Baltimore police release bodycam video of Anthony Ferguson being fatal shot when he pulled out a gun....
Seattle cops beat a man who was already complying with batons and kneel on his neck{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
Florida – Sniper places a shot through a computer monitor into the forehead of a suspect holding...
Body camera video released Wednesday shows the events that led Austin police to shoot an armed man...
A Chicago woman was charged with attempted murder after striking a woman with her car last March...
A 12-year-old girl accidentally shot her 14-year-old cousin during a live stream and then took her own...
A male victim died after being shot 25 times, including multiple gunshot wounds to the head, in...
Customer in a bodega attempts to intimidate worker and is promptly removed from the store by force...
San Diego hostage taker gets shot by the cops and attacked by the victim’s dogs.{UA_of_the_user}&ip={IP_of_the_user}&var={Request_variable}
WVVA has obtained body camera footage from lawyers involved in a federal lawsuit involving the city of...