1/18/2022- 7:40 p.m. By Sam BougheddaInvesting.com — SoFi Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: SOFI ) stock fell 7.6% Tuesday...
1/18/2022- 7:32 p.m. DOJ gives Matt Gaetz’s ex-girlfriend immunity in exchange for sex-trafficking investigation testimony Investigators granted...
1/18/2022- 5:53 p.m. HOMICIDE ARREST — man shot and killed outside an apartment complex, suspect in custody....
1/18/2022- 4:34 p.m. US govt orders WhatsApp to track unidentified users for unknown reasons The Meta-owned messaging...
1/18/2022- 4:11 p.m. Portland police are investigating a deadly shooting that happened in the Eliot neighborhood late...
1/18/2022- 1:59 p.m. A policeman committed suicide by shooting himself to avoid arrest after law enforcers identified...
Dylan Rose pleads guilty in federal court to conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise.

Dylan Rose pleads guilty in federal court to conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise.
1/18/2021- 11:06 p.m. A member of the Universal Aryan Brotherhood, who killed a man in 2017, pleads...
1/18/2022- 10:32 a.m. WASHINGTON — Republican state lawmakers across the country are ramping up their drive to...
1/18/2022- 9:55 a.m. MIAMI — Miami rapper Wavy Navy Pooh was killed in an ambush shooting as...
1/18/2022- 9:20 a.m. Soviet-Mockery Posters of Biden & Fauci’s ‘Comply’ Society Appear in DC Soviet-style posters have...