A United States District Court judge sentenced a man to life in prison for the murder of...
UOCAVA to get ballots, a program that emails ballots The Democrats are talking about how they’re working...
Brendan Rhoden has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to 2 counts of...
Source – Pure chaos as ‘Gates of Hell’ twin sinkholes open up 400 miles apart A farmer...
U.S. Secret Service agent accidentally shot and injured himself WUSA9 – According to USSS, the agent was...
PhoenixNewsTime – Whether it’s a brutal Satanic death metal band from Florida, a church-burning Norwegian black metal...
The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru’s. The concept is one I bring...
Source – The Texas Department of Public Safety launched its first “10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants...
FoxNews – During his speech in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on Saturday afternoon, Walz was discussing gun violence when he became...
16NewsNow A couple in Oklahoma was arrested after police allegedly discovered multiple children locked up in a...