March 31, 2022- 8:43 p.m.
Old Horn Lake Road/Peebles Road
MEMPHIS, TN – On March 27, 2022, Memphis Police Department Officers responded to a Carjacking at Old Horn Lake Road and Peebles.
The victim advised he met the female suspect online and agreed to pick her up in the 3000 block of South Third. The female suspect arrived at the location in a red sedan and got into the passenger seat of the victim’s 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe.
The female suspect directed the victim to drive to Old Horn Lake Road and Peebles.
A male suspect on black motorcycle armed with a handgun approached the victim’s vehicle. The male suspect ordered the victim to exit his 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe.
Once the victim exited his vehicle, the female suspect fled in the victim’s vehicle followed by the male suspect on the black motorcycle.
On March 28, 2022, Memphis Police Department-Violent Crimes Unit Investigators recovered the victim’s 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe. Investigators located surveillance video from a business that shows the female suspect exiting the victim’s vehicle.
Suspect #1: White male wearing a black motorcycle helmet, black jacket, black backpack, black pants, and armed with a black handgun.
Suspect #2: White female, 5’0, 160 lbs., 30-35 years of age wearing a white jacket, white blouse, and a light blue jean jacket.
Investigators need your help in identifying the individuals responsible for this carjacking.