9/14/2021- 4:53 p.m.
TOTAL RECALL: California puts Newsom’s Fate to Public
Californians are being asked two simple questions: Should Gavin Newsom be removed as governor? If so, who should replace him? Here’s some facts and the latest on the vote:
▪️It’s possible a result will be declared around six hours from now, after polls close 8pm Pacific time – BUT it could also drag on for weeks
▪️Mail-in voting is expected to increase turnout more than regular ballot-casting
▪️Recall laws could be up for change as two-thirds of Californians are unhappy with the process – Public Policy Institute reports
▪️The last time a governor was recalled in Cali was 2003 – Gray Davis (D) made way for Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)
▪️Opposition to recalling Newsom currently stands at 57.3% to 41.5%, a pretty comfortable near 16-point lead – FiveThirtyEight reports
Things ain’t so golden in The Golden State!