6/17/2021- 9:56 a.m.
Ohio – Brittany Gosney, 29, a mother who said she was planning on abandoning her children after feeling pressure to do so from her boyfriend, has pleaded guilty in connection with the death of her 6-year-old son.
The 6-year-old boy suffered a fatal injury. Brittany Gosney told the authorities that she and Hamilton had taken her three children to Rush Run Wildlife Area in Preble County, Ohio, with the intention of abandoning them.
But after Gosney and Hamilton dropped the children off, James grabbed the vehicle as Gosney drove away.
Investigators said they tied a concrete block to the boy’s body.
Prosecutors said Gosney and Hamilton left the woods with James’ body and the two children who were not hurt. the next day, Gosney and Hamilton drove to Lawrenceburg, Indiana, and dumped James’ remains in the Ohio River.
Police said the other two children, along with James, were tortured before they were taken to the wildlife area.
On Monday, Gosney changed her plea to guilty on the charges of murder and two counts of endangering children. Thirteen other charges she was facing were dropped as part of the plea agreement. She will also avoid a jury trial.
She is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 13. The murder charge carries a required sentence of 15 years to life and prosecutors will recommend a life sentence.
Hamilton faces 15 charges including kidnapping, abduction and endangering children. His trial is scheduled to start on Oct. 4, 2021.