1/11/2022- 1:05 p.m.
Merriam-Webster says the term “third time is a charm” means, “that two efforts at something have already failed but perhaps the third will be successful.” Those who accept the obvious purpose and intent of these injections concur that the third time will likely be a charm for vaxx zealots.
It’s clear that so-called Omicron is an illness of the vaxxed, or, more specifically, the propaganda narrative to cover vaxx adverse effects. Even mainstream media are conceding that people receiving booster shots are still coming down with so-called COVID.
It’s no secret that vaxx zealots are easily influenced and persuaded by mainstream narratives. But some booster recipients aren’t necessarily zealots. They are simply doing as they’re told due to the inability to think critically in the face of the most powerful global psy-op in human history.
Further, at this point, third, fourth, fifth, etc. injections are simply fulfilling addictions to both whatever ingredients are the shots, and to the temporary social media clout that comes with being an obedient zealot.Booster mRNA and viral vector DNA adverse reaction stories will dominate 2022.

Of course we can’t cover them all. But here is a sampling of booster shot deaths and maimings in the last seven days.
Rafael Silva is a television presenter for Jornal das 7/TV Alterosa in Brazil. He is also the consummate vaxx and mask zealot, almost to the point of insanity. Mr. Silva received his first injection on July 30.
It’s unclear which brand he received.
However it is clear that it doesn’t matter what brand it is. The caption says everything you need to know about his loyalty to big pharma.
Brazilian online newspaper Metrópoles reported that Mr. Silva was taken to Humanitas Hospital. But he suffered five more cardiac arrests in the ambulance. Mr. Silva has since locked his Twitter account so only verified followers can see his Tweets. There are no further updates.