Biden Complains About Provision That Bans Pentagon From Contracting With Censorship Groups, “Fact-Checkers”
Lamenting a loss of censorship power.
There are few things as jarring as a sitting US administration evoking the First Amendment (constitutional free speech protections) – while the purpose to all intents and purposes seems to be to actually undermine them.
In such cases, the hypocrisy doesn’t simply whisper. Here, it screams. And there have been many such instances over the years.
This is a new example: the Biden administration late last week approved the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the upcoming year.
One – for an “authoritative democracy,” provisions was that the US Defense Department would not be allowed to contractually work with certain groups, such as by now-infamous NewsGuard, and the free-speech-trampling Global Disinformation Index (GDI) – effectively out there working hard to silence opposition-leaning press in the US.
But then, as soon as the 2024 NDAA was signed by Biden late last week, the somewhat erratic president – or whoever is… advising him – pushed a different story to the public.
“While I am pleased to support the critical objectives of the NDAA, I note that certain provisions of the Act raise concerns,” reads a subsequent statement, signed by Biden.
Source: ReclaimTheNet
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