June 4, 2022
Armando Barron kidnapped, tortured, and killed Jonathan Amerault, a man his wife was texting with. Barron then forced his wife to cut off Jonathan’s head postmortem.
Barron went through his wife’s cellphone and discovered that she had been exchanging messages with Johnathan Amerault, 25.
After discovering the conversations, he confronted and assaulted Britany in their New Hampshire home.
Barron forced it into Britany’s mouth. He then strangled her until she became unconscious. During the attack, Britany sustained multiple injuries to her face, mouth, nose, and chipped a tooth.
In the late hours of September 19th and the early hours of September 20th, Barron used Britany’s phone to lure Johnathan out to meet him and Britany at Annette Wayside Park.
Barron forced Britany into the car and drove to the meeting place. While driving, Barron continued to beat Britany.
When they arrived at the park, Barron attacked Jonathan. He beat and stomped on Jonathan as he taunted him, asking him if he still thought Britany was pretty.
He then forced a gun into Britany’s hand, holding his hand over hers, and ordered her to pull the trigger. Britany would not pull the trigger.

Barron took the gun back and told Britany to stop on Johnathan’s throat to kill him.
Britany would not. Seeing that Britany was refusing to hurt Johnathan, he forced him to get into the backseat of the car.
He broke a small piece of the blade off his machete and told Britany to slice Jonathan’s wrist. Under duress, Britany made a cut to both of Jonathan’s wrists.
Barron got into the passenger seat shortly after, pulled out a gun, and shot him three times; two times in the chest and once in the head.
Barron then told Britany to drive back home and pack camping gear. She then drove Johnathan’s car, with his remains in it; Barron followed behind her in his Jeep.
Barron told Britany he would forgive her in the morning. When they arrived in Errol, Barron went into a general store and got two tarps, lighter fluid, scrubbing bubbles, and a shovel.
They then drove into the woods to make a campsite.
Before setting up camp, they attempted to get rid of Jonathan’s belongings. Barron took the car manual, his credit cards, identification, and a garage opener and burned them.
Barron told Britany to cut off Jonathan’s head so that he could not be identified through dental records. Britany did as she was told, fearing what Barron may do if she did not.
She decapitated him postmortem in the backseat of his car, using a saw and a “smaller blade.” Barron watched Britany, then he dug a grave and buried Jonathan’s head.
Barron told Britany to wrap Johnathan’s body up in a tarp and to dig a grave for him.
Baron was planning on driving into Keene to send messages from Jonathan’s phone to his friends and family. When he arrived home, his mother told him the police were looking for Britany.
He drove back to the campsite to get Britany, smashed Jonathan’s phone, and drove to an area that had cell phone service.
Britany was then instructed to send messages saying she was going away for a while to clear her mind.
They drove back to the campsite. Armando left the campsite, leaving Britany behind to finish burying Johnathan’s body.
Hunters would see Britany camping illegally and reported it to officials in New Hampshire. When they went to investigate, they found Britany, who told them what happened.
Soon after, police apprehended Barron and arrested him for assaulting Britany and killing Jonathan.
Britany Baron was arrested and charged with three counts of falsifying, destroying, concealing, or removing anything with a purpose of impairing an investigation.
She made a plea agreement with the prosecutor and was sentenced to serve 3.5 to 7 years. Britany was released on parole in April 2022.
Armando Barron was arrested and charged with capital murder, kidnapping, two counts of criminal solicitation of first-degree murder, two counts of Criminal solicitation of first-degree assault, three counts of second-degree assault, three counts of domestic violence, and reckless conduct.
He went to trial.
The jury took less than two hours to deliberate. Armando Barron was found guilty on all 13 charges. He was sentenced to life in prison plus 45 years.