Governor Andy Beshear spent $80,000 of your hard-earned tax dollars on personal travel to boost his political ambitions—and I’ve got the receipts to prove it.
The median income in Kentucky is just under $35,000 a year. But that didn’t stop Beshear from blowing more than double that on just two international trips designed to position him for a presidential run.
While Kentuckians tighten their belts, Beshear spent $8,000 per night on luxury hotel rooms at the World Economic Forum—licking the boots of the elites who scoff at Middle-Americans like those in Kentucky. And while small business owners fight to keep the lights on, Andy splurged $300 a day of your money on fine dining in Madrid.
Beshear isn’t focused on the financial struggles of Kentucky families, he’s focused on running for President. He’s too busy jet-setting on the taxpayers’ tab, rubbing elbows with the rich and powerful. This isn’t leadership—it’s political self-indulgence.
He’s using the governor’s office as a springboard to his next gig, and Kentuckians are the ones left footing the bill.
Governor Andy Beshear works for one person: Andy Beshear.
Andy Beshear is a childish, power-hungry swamp rat who can’t be trusted with a dime of other people’s money, and that’s why I will fight to make sure he can never abuse Kentucky Tax Dollars again.