July 7, 2022
All Cause Mortality Effects of COVID Vaccines in European Children and Kiwi Adults
perhaps we see why so many countries are losing enthusiasm for this project
“in europe, many countries are now contra-indicating (or outright barring) covid vaccines for the young and healthy.
this graph (with links to sources) from OS may give us a sense as to why.
all cause mortality is the gold standard for mortality benefit. in many clinical trials, this gets called ‘overall survival benefit.’
it’s a good capture of everything. it sums the whole of experience and you need not know what to look for to preform assessment.
If you save one life from covid but cost 2 in complex adverse outcomes, this is where it will show up.
and that makes this graph (which i took the liberty of reproducing and adding a ‘vaccines commence’ line to for legibility) deeply damaging to the case for jabbing the kiddos.
this timing is more than a little provocative.”
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