RawNews1st – Activists More Than Halfway to Forcing Constitutional Amendment Convention. “Though it’s received relatively little attention, a conservative-led drive to call a convention to consider amendments to the U.S. Constitution has been making steady progress, and is now more than halfway toward realizing its goal.
At a time when Americans are increasingly polarized — to the extent that 43% think a civil war will erupt in the next decade — should you be alarmed or enthused?
Article V of the Constitution provides two avenues for amendments.
Under the first one, Congress proposes amendments that are enacted if three-fourths of the state legislatures approve them. That’s the way all amendments have been advanced so far.
Conservative activists want to knock the dust off the other Article V provision, which empowers state legislatures to ‘call a convention for proposing amendments.’
To trigger a convention that way, two-thirds of the state legislatures must call for one.
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