July 30, 2022
RawNews1st – A person gets the monkeypox virus through inhalation of droplets or direct contact.
Incubation period begins. One to two weeks. During this time there are no symptoms and the person is not contagious.
Early symptoms develop. At this point the person may already be contagious. fever, body pains, headache, sore throat, cough, swollen lymph nodes (kulani).
Then rashes appear in the mouth and the body. Mostly central (on the face and chest). This is the contagious stage and continues until scab forms (langib).
There is no specific treatment. Medicine for pain and fever may be given, No need for antibiotics because the disease is caused by a virus, not bacteria.
The disease is self-limiting, meaning it lasts from 2 to 4 weeks then the patient heals.
Complications of monkeypox can include secondary infections, bronchopneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis, and infection of the cornea with ensuing loss of vision. This usually happens in those with weak immunity.
How to prevent?
Avoid contact with or being in close proximity to people who do not feel well or have rashes. Masks and physical distancing help in preventing transmission.
Although there are reports that this may be transmitted through sexual contact, casual touching may transfer the virus. Everyone should take care, regardless of gender
Ctto : Dr. Pineda, Dermatology
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