9/11/2021- 10:42 a.m.
Oklahoma – A man who’s out on bond for a rape case and is being investigated for a separate lewd molestation case, has now been arrested by Broken Arrow Police, for having child pornography.
The arrest report for Jason Bycroft says a tip came into the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about a video being downloaded into a Dropbox to a certain hotmail address.
Police searched that Dropbox with a warrant and say they found the 24 minute video depicting an underage girl involved in sexual activity.
The report says also in the Dropbox, was a video that showed Bycroft in a pool with an underage girl with a woman behind a camera, shooting video as Bycroft exposed the girl’s genitals.
The report says Bycroft has a pending 2016 rape charge against him in Cherokee County where a 19 year old girl says she woke up as Bycroft was taking pictures of her, then he raped her.
The case has been postponed numerous times and a trial is pending.
The arrest report says Bycroft has been listed in a lewd molestation case in April of 2020 in Cherokee county where a girl told police Bycroft raped her and asked for naked pictures of her 11 year old friend.
-It says that case is open and pending.
-These are all charges, not convictions.