9/29/2021- 11:57 a.m.
May the WOKE be with you! Are JEDI “inappropriate mascots for social justice”?
Star Wars’ iconic JEDI characters have been slated for being “problematic” symbols of social justice, given their apparent toxic masculinity, underlying racism and eugenical powers, according to a five-person article in Scientific American.
The “exclusionary cult” is “prone to (white) saviorism and toxically masculine approaches to conflict resolution” such as “violent duels with phallic lightsabers, gaslighting by means of “Jedi mind tricks.”
The article goes on to pick out “ableist tropes” in Darth Vader’s moral deviance, and references fnas apparent labelling of more diverse casting a form of “white genocide”.
So much for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion…