9/29/2021- 10:42 p.m.
Facebook views pre-teens as ‘UNTAPPED audience,’ and aims to “tailor its features to six age brackets”- including as young as NEWBORNS?? (WSJ)
Stung by the success of SnapChat and TikTok in attracting a younger audience, Facebook is stepping up its research into children FROM BIRTH in a bid to “appeal to the younger generation”.
“With the ubiquity of tablets and phones, kids are getting on the internet as young as six years old. We can’t ignore this and we have a responsibility to figure it out,” a leaked Facebook document seen by the WSJ explained.
“Why do we care about tweens?” another document asked:
“They are a valuable but untapped audience.”
The number of teens visiting Facebook daily dropped by 19% in the last two years, and could drop a further 45% by 2023 at current rates.