A young girl in the Colorado Springs community is battling a rare blood disorder, and her parents want others to know how bone marrow donation can save a life.
However, two months ago something that wasn’t normal took the Haney family by surprise. On Jan. 17, the family noticed Karina was bruising more easily on her legs. They started to document the oddity, but days after they noticed the bruising there was another red flag.
“She got a bloody nose that just kept bleeding,” Khloe explained. “I knew something was off.”
Karina’s parents took her in for testing, her platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells were shockingly low. On Jan. 23, their little girl had to have her first bone marrow biopsy. Originally, they were told it could be leukemia.
Days later they found out it was a rare blood disorder called aplastic anemia. According to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, only 300 to 600 new cases are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. St Jude’s describes the condition as a type of “bone marrow failure.”
The disorder puts Karina at a very high risk for life-threatening infections, on top of concerns she could have internal bleeding or bleeding out.
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