May 28, 2022
Brazil – The Truth About Masks page contains seven peer-reviewed studies, some dating back decades before so-called COVID-19, concluding that masks are useless or provide negligible protection in hospital settings and elsewhere. Our litigation with PayPal is ongoing. But we’ll see if rules of evidence prevail in an arbitration setting (not court) versus emotional, tribal vaxx zealotry among the corporation and the arbitrator.
Masks are just as important as the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections as it relates to The Great Reset. Granted the concept of “one class of people” forwarded by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto sounds noble on the very shallow surface. But Marxism essentially has the exact same goals of The Great Reset, The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.
Both aim to abolish the nuclear family and private property ownership. Most importantly, Schwab and Marx yearn[ed] the abolition of individuality. It’s much easier to control a bunch of non-player characters (NPCs) as the kids today refer to the sheep, then it is to control a bunch of critical thinkers.