9/24/2021- 11:49 a.m.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. —Five female inmates overdosed at Louisville’s jail Friday morning.
Jail officials said the first report came in around 5 a.m. They said five inmates had to be hospitalized, and 10 inmates are being monitored for symptoms.
We’re told Narcan was administered and chest compressions were used on all the women when officials didn’t hear heartbeats for any of them.
A Special Operations Response Team was called in to search the jail.
This incident is just the latest of many issues at the jail. Just last night, the president of the Louisville Metro Corrections union called for a vote of no confidence in the director.
The jail has been severely understaffed, at one point even having just two officers to 480 inmates.
“I’m telling you now that if you have a mother, son, daughter, a brother, or loved one inside our jail, they’re not safe. They’re not safe,” said Tracey Dotson, spokesperson for FOP Lodge 77.