3 LMPD officers failed to activate body cameras in Scottie Scheffler arrest


Three Louisville Metro Police officers initially failed to turn on their body cameras when pro golfer Scottie Scheffler was arrested May 17 for allegedly refusing to stop while entering Valhalla Golf Club and dragging an officer – charges that have since been dismissed.

Detectives Bryan Gillis and Kelvin Watkins and Officer Javar Downs were found to have not turned on their body cams, in violation of police policy, according to a 63-page investigation released on Friday.

The officers had to fill out “Failure to Activate” forms. Gillis received counseling.

And while Gillis said he was dragged by Scheffler and the golfer continued driving for 50 feet, no other officers or witnesses corroborated that account. Five officers told investigators their view was blocked by a shuttle bus.

“As I approached several people standing near gate 1, I asked if anyone witnessed or observed what happened,” an investigator wrote.

“I heard several voices reply, no as they turned and walked away. No LMPD member witnessed the initial incident, due to a shuttle bus blocking their view.”

The incident summary, however, says Scheffler “shares responsibility in this event” and notes that there are no “recorded instructions” of anyone telling him to drive around traffic into the golf course grounds.

“A reasonable person cannot simply just ignore instructions from personnel managing/maintaining social order during a large scale event no matter their perception of the workers (security guards, sworn officers, civilians),” it says. 

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