A man accused of a stabbing spree in the Chinatown-International District(CID) appeared in court, where a judge found probable cause for five counts of first-degree assault.
The judge set the suspect’s bail at $2 million, citing a substantial likelihood that he could commit a violent crime in the community. Police reported that robbery was the motive in only one of the stabbings, while the other four appeared to be completely random.
“He was just cold as ice running around stabbing people,” said Kevin Greiner. “I see a man stab him in the back with a big knife, the knife stuck in his back. I’m freaking out – my friend is on the ground dying, and I don’t want to lose him.”
SPD Deputy Chief Eric Barden said a suspect was located near the scene and taken into custody without incident.Detectives with the homicide/assault unit were working to identify the suspect, who is between 30-40 years old. Barden said a “weapon was recovered from within the vicinity” of the suspect, and that another knife was still in one of the victims that was taken to the hospital.
A total of 10 people were stabbed in the CID in about a roughly 37-hour period, according to Barden.